52a provides an alternate perspective to it’s mother publication. Following on from 52’s exploration of emerging medical technology, in our first issue we delve into the spiritual and explore some of the ideas behind shamanic and energetic healing as a form of medicine.

Living in a digital age, our dependence on computers, mobile phones, and on an even larger scale: automated industry; technology seems somewhat inescapable, and finding a balance between the virtual and the natural realms is increasingly difficult. Recently this parallel was highlighted by the Dakota Access Pipeline protests in the United States, which saw thousands of Native Americans and activists, protesting against the 1,172 mile long, crude oil pipeline and the destruction that will follow, to both sacred land and drinking water. The conflict, deepening the realisation that our relationship to technology, industry and the natural world is more troubled than ever.

While advances are made within technology, we are presented with unfamiliar ground and a new set of problems are born. With our strained eyes, hunched spines, and a medical system that dominantly treats symptom over the root cause; alternative medicine supporters are finding their own route to optimum health, with the movement gaining traction at an impressive speed.
issue 001
Ruby Reid
Eden Hawkes